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Tips How to Start Stepping & Find What Moves You! Pt. 2

Tips How to Start Stepping & Find What Moves You! Pt. 2
Welcome to how to “Start Stepping & Find What Moves You” video series Pt. 1 & Pt. 2.

Welcome to how to “Start Stepping & Find What Moves You” video series Pt. 1 & Pt. 2. In part one, I shared with you a personal story and some valuable tips on why it’s necessary for you to keep moving in the direction towards achievement and not be stifled by what some may perceive as failure.

 Here’s why. It’s imperative not to overlook or take for granted the things you’ve already achieved, “no matter how big or small.” Even when some others may see it differently, or like they’re not a big deal at all. 

 This is a mistake I see many people make because naturally, they’re focused on what lies ahead, and often forget the value of past accomplishments. Which can be worth their weight in gold.  

Or what happens when someone says, “you’re not what they’re looking for?” Do you try to change who you are to fit their liking? Or do you snap to it and realize that no matter what you say, or do, you’ll never appease them? Then simply go on your way and continue doing what you do?

 I ask these questions because this is video part 2 “Start Stepping” and we’re keeping the “Let’s Chat” conversation going. Plus, I have another story pertaining to this topic you’ll want to hear, more juicy tips, and a fiery “ending you don’t want to miss!”  Please check it out!

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