Cultivate-Do What You’ve Been Gifted to Do!

Hollywood dance workouts
5 Remarkable Tips to Live a Passionate Life Pt. 2

Thank you for listening to my story and I hope you were encouraged by the takeaway, Tip 1. Eliminate Doubt

Here are tips 2-5 like I promised. Enjoy! 🙂

Tip 2. Find What You’re Passion About-The Gateway to A More Meaningful & Purposeful Life!

It’s not enough to say, “I don’t know what I want to do with my life?” When everybody desires to do something. I believe saying this is an excuse, or fear, for being afraid to pursue what you want. What do you want? Tell me, what are you passionate about? What moves you day-in & day-out? Everybody has something, so what about you? Not sure? If that’s the case, I suggest you don’t look for it on the surface. Instead, “go with in;” ask yourself what feels right!

Tip 3. Shine- Talent -Shine!

When you find your talent, or what you’ve been gifted to do, your next move is to learn how to cultivate it. The best way to do this is to work on it daily. This will allow you to shape, fine-tune, and mold it into what you want it to be.

Tip 4. Let Patience Be Your Guide!

It’s easy to want to give up on what you desire when things aren’t moving swiftly. Because we live in a fast-paced world that thrives on speed, and how quickly you can get what you want. A modern-day norm due to advanced technology. It’s a good thing in some cases, and a detriment in others.  For instance:  

Good Thing: You have goals you want to achieve!

Detriment: You’re quick to throw in the towel when the results to obtain them aren’t immediate. 

Here’s the thing. Even though it’s nice to be able to get what you want almost, if not, instantly these days. You can’t lose sight, or hope, that some things will take time to achieve. As they are controlled by a source or higher power that has its own definition of the ideal time, place, and appearance. Therefore, you’ll need to have patience a virtue and value that comes with the equation. 

Tip 5. Keep Moving No Matter What

This I know for sure: When you’re on the road to achievement you can count on there being some distractions or roadblocks along the way. For instance, they may appear as:

False starts attempting to steer you off course, or nay sayers who’ll creep by you purposely to spew out venomous and negative words. Some will even pull up right next to you and give the ‘evil eye’ hoping it’ll deter you.

 So, when situations like these come rolling your way, just let them ride on by!” Stay focused and remain on the path that’s destined to lead you to your ultimate success. “DO What You’ve Been Gifted to DO!”


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