You spoke; we listened! More spots are now open for hot new mini course. Final Presale date is March 25,2025.   Ready?

Welcome! These preview titles and video below feature some of the fun and exciting lessons you’ll be learning in the course. Enjoy! 

Warmup -The Winning Workout!

You already know how important it is to warmup before you do any physical activity. But what you may not know, and this lesson teaches, is some of the extra benefits it provides.

Nail The Eight Count

This fun and exciting challenge is designed to help you with rhythm and coordination. It’s also a check- in to see if you’re practicing those hip-pulses. 🙂

Now Hear This, “The Big Secret!”

It’s been said that “Success Leaves Clues.” I agree, and it’s why this lesson reveals an untold success secret few people know about. It’s something that’ll make you leave your worries behind and stay encouraged despite the challenges this course may bring.

Read My Hips- Pulses

This upbeat series of exotic world dance grooves are lessons how to “Shake What Ya Momma Gave You” on the dancefloor.

Start with The End in Mind

This lesson teaches the importance of why you should start any new venture, or project, with a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. It’s essential to imagine what your end goal looks and feels like.




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