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Tips How to Fear Not & Overcome The Negative Tongue Pt. 1

Some say it’s a powerful tool or even in some cases a lethal weapon. Even the good book says, “it has the power of life and death.” What I’m talking about is, “The Tongue.”

 In the last video, I spoke about and share tips on “How to Live in The Power of Your Dreams!” However, on the flip side, I want you to know that not everybody will be excited or encouraging about you getting your groove on. In fact, some will even have belittling things to say.

Here’s what I mean: There’s no question at some point in your life you’ll meet someone with a negative tongue who won’t hesitate to use it and set things ablaze. So, what do you do when it happens?  I’m glad you asked because it’s exactly what this two-part video series explains. Starting with this video entitled, “Tips How to Fear Not & Overcome The Negative Tongue!” Which will give you some suggestions on how to deal with people who don’t want to see you succeed and or achieve your dreams. “You Don’t Want to Miss This Video!”

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