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More Tips to “Ring In The New You”- Like Dr. King Pt. 2 Continuation

virtual dance groove classes with joey

Freedom, what does it mean?

One dictionary meaning says this:

Freedom: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

Now I ask, “what does having freedom mean to you?” Could having Freedom mean you will no longer participate in tasks that are unproductive? Or even congregate with people who rob you of your joy? Or does the thought of not worrying about the things you can’t control “ring a bell freedom?” Or would taking time out for yourself be the freedom you need to relax, rekindle, and reroute a new course for your life? Here’s the thing: When it comes to talking about obtaining freedom everyone has a story, and perhaps even different needs. Yet, what is interesting is all the questions above are conversation pieces that make you dig a little deeper and think more about your life which is reflective of this video, More Tips to “Ring In The New You”- Like Dr. King Pt. 2 Continuation

 FYI, after completing the short-Let Freedom Ring & the last video – Let Your Freedom Ring Like Dr. King I realized the conversation wasn’t over. I had more to say and more tips to share that I believe will help to impact your life from this amazing journey we’ve been on for the last two videos. Because It’s never too late to “Groove to Improve” and let the bells of freedom ring in your life. Just like in this new video.

Please Check It Out! Video Link:

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