
“It’s like wearing a comfortable pair of gloves, for me, hosting and speaking simple fits.” I love being a host and speaker for television shows, the stage, podcasts, and my own YouTube show “Experience The Groove to Improve Your Life!” In addition, it gives me the opportunity to share my expertise and talents with the goal being to inspire and uplift people worldwide.”
Joey L Dowdy in a blazer and a light blue shirt

“Exercise Your Mind” with Joey’s New Book

“Exercise Your Mind” with Joey’s New Book


Please Don’t Forget to Post Your Book Review


Please Don’t Forget to Post Your Book Review

Google Play

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Barnes & Nobles, Apple Books, D2D, Kobo, Angus & More


Barnes & Nobles, Apple Books, D2D, Kobo, Angus & More

Don’t Get Stuck with The Same Old Moves!

Let Joey Teach You How to “Spice Up Your Groove!”

Please Book Your Virtual or In Person Private Dance Session Here: Contact Staff for Availability and Pricing
Book A Virtual Private Dance, Fitness, or Motivational Talk One on One session with Dr. Dancer and learn how to “Groove in Your Best Direction!”
Availability and Pricing
Welcome to Joey’s World Dance Groove Fusion Cardio Dance Classes

Listed below are a few of the benefits you’ll get. You’ll learn,

Bonus feature: After you’ve learned each routine, please send Joey a video of you performing it. Then he will give you via email some constructive critiques on how you can make it better and take it to the next level.

Featuring These Three Dance Routines
A person holding a handkerchief with “eyes of India” written on it

Eyes of India

Fix Your Eyes on Success and Put Your Bollywood Skills to Test!

a thumbnail for Afro-Latino Dance Fusion Grooves

Feel The Freedom

And Go Where Afro-Beat Meets Latin Heat!

a thumbnail for Sexy Grooves-Hot Moves

Explore Your Sensuality

And Put Some Pep in Your Personality!

Contact Staff for Availability and Pricing

Join our Mailing list!

Please join our free newsletter and get the exclusive 5 Tips PDF “Make A Date Not to Procrastinate & Get Things Done.” Along with (when available) save my spot discount coupons for Joey’s new online course, “Go from Zero to Dance Routine Challenge Hero” and stay updated on other current events.

Please Note: Your information will always be kept confidential.

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