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Experience The Benefits of Pure Pleasure-Cardio Dance….5 Sensational Take-aways!

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Pure Pleasure!

 My Cardio Dance Experience

 I remember taking my very first cardio dance class back in the early 2000’s when I moved to California from Florida. The class I took was with Michele Lemay, a very good friend and an excellent dance and fitness instructor. She also transitioned to Cali from Florida. Nonetheless, I was so intrigued by the idea of taking her non-stop low impact-high intensity cardio dance class that I could hardly wait. When I did it was extreme joy, the moves, the music, and her endless energy filled the room with total excitement. Another caveat was, for once, I could simply be a student and not have to worry about teaching one single dance step. Let me tell you, that alone was pure bliss!

 Stop & Start

Everything was moving right along until about half through the class. That’s when I literally thought I was going to pass out. Why? Because I was out of breath, and I could only pray that she didn’t notice. Then I thought to myself, “this isn’t supposed to be happening.” I’m in decent shape, so what’s the problem?” 

At the time I didn’t know, but now I do. The verdict is, I was in good physical shape, but I wasn’t in good cardiovascular (heart) shape. And it took a toll on me. Here’s why!  I was accustomed to taking traditional dance classes where you stop and start, especially when you’re learning a dance routine. This is all good, but it’s not the best for cardiovascular conditioning as it slows down your heart rate.

 Perk It Up!

One of the perks of taking a cardio dance class -vs- a traditional class such as, Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, and Hip-hop is this. The class is designed to keep your heart rate up for a longer period, usually between 20 to 25 minutes or more per an hour class. This is ideal for good cardio conditioning says experts like Harvard Medical Health. “Yes, dancing is a great way to get your heart and breathing rate up. If you’re dancing vigorously enough to raise your heart rate and hasten your breathing, you’re getting moderate-intensity exercise, which boosts cardiovascular and overall fitness. Because dance engages multiple muscle groups, it usually counts as a full-body workout.”

Please don’t get me wrong; I still love my traditional dance classes and deem them to be very valuable. They will always have their own special place in the dance world.

However, I was so thrilled to find another unique class like “cardio dance” to add my repertoire.

Wondering what happened after the nearly passing out incident? You better believe I started taking more cardio dance classes, and then I eventually started teaching them. Why? They provide benefits of pure pleasure. Like the ones listed below.

*Cardio dance takes the drudgery and boredom out of working out because it’s fun, creative, fulfilling, and exciting.
*Cardio dance non- stop repetitiveness increases your heart & breathing rate and conditions your cardiovascular system. 
*Cardio dance can, according to statistics, help you to burn between 400-600 calories in a single workout or class.
*Cardio dance will make you say, “away with depression and hello to progression” by releases feel good endorphins that produce happy hormones.
*Cardio dance targets different muscle groups and as a result can turn you into a “Lean Mean Dancing Machine!” 
Please Check Out This Exciting Video: Cardio Dance Excerpt from New Course-Zero to Dance Routine Challenge Hero!          


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