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Let Go of The Old & Embrace The New You!

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 Groove On This: You will remain the same if you do not make a change!

 A New Year and a New You start with saying, “out with the old and in with the new!” Meaning: You should let go of what didn’t work for you in the past and embrace what’s a better fit for you now. Because you can craft the life you desire. You can do this by creating affirmations that reflect the new you versus the old you.  

 Here are a few examples:

 1. I can be open minded versus closed minded, and it’s quite refreshing.

 2. I am willing to try versus thinking I’ll fail.

 3. My innate desire to entertain fresh new ideas versus revisiting the same old ideas, is rather resourceful.

 4. I choose to make smart choices versus not so clever choices, and it’s making a difference in my life.

 5. My theory the sky is the limit versus being bound by your own limitations has merit.

 6. I think making a commitment to living a fit and fabulous life versus making excuses, deserves a round of applause.

 7. The decision to pursue my destiny versus just lip-service, is getting me closer to achieving my goals.

 8. I stand firm with claiming my happiness versus living a life of sadness.

 9. I believe my conclusion to plan things first versus winging it is the ideal way to go.

 10. I say, “just go with the flow of life versus trying to swim against it.”

My Groove Theory Is This:

Life is all about choices, so why not choose what’s best for you! It’s time you “Let Go of The Old & Embrace The New You!” Will you? I would love to hear about it. Leave a message! 😊

Here are a few other blogs you should visit.

New Course Video Lessons & Excerpts – Joey L Dowdy

Cultivate-Do What You’ve Been Gifted to Do! – Joey L Dowdy

“Claim Your Happiness-Will It to Be!” – Joey L Dowdy
Go from “Hesitant Beginner” to A Dancefloor Sensation! – Joey L Dowdy

Experience The Benefits of Pure Pleasure-Cardio Dance….5 Sensational Take-aways! – Joey L Dowdy

New course {FAQ} Frequently Asked Questions – Joey L Dowdy

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