You spoke; we listened! More spots are now open for hot new mini course. Final Presale date is March 25,2025.   Ready?

Groove in Your Best Direction!

move better live better with Joey L. Dowdy

Are you tired of living by someone else’s rules or standards. Are you feeling bound, stifled, and like you can’t get ahead? Want to break free from the chains that bind but don’t know how? If so, I have a message for you!
 Know this: Life is way too short not to be moving forward. I believe one of the best ways to achieve this is to stop listening to others, and “follow your heart.” Let it be your guide, inspiration, and the driving force to help you   
“Groove in Your Best Direction!” 😊
For more excitement and inspiration click on additional blogs below.

Go from “Hesitant Beginner” to A Dancefloor Sensation! – Joey L Dowdy

Cultivate-Do What You’ve Been Gifted to Do! – Joey L Dowdy

“Claim Your Happiness-Will It to Be!” – Joey L Dowdy


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