You want to lose weight but the voices inside your head make you doubt it’ll work this time around!
You have a desire to quit working for someone else and start your own unique business. But the voices inside your head make you ponder the idea by saying, “it’s too risky!”
You know you need to start moving, dancing, exercising more, and get a solid plan to eat healthier. But the voices inside your head are saying, “you’re way too busy to do it now, why not later?”
The truth is we live in a world that allows negative thoughts to reign supreme. Yet, most people are unaware that its mission is to get inside their head and control the mind. Because one the most powerful possessions you have is your mind. When used correctly it can keep those bad thoughts at bay, and nothing can stop you from succeeding!
My confession: I was so caught up in my head and plagued with uncertainty about a year and a half ago. Seeing that my desire was to create an online dance challenge course. An easy to follow, sexy, fun, educational, and “meaningful experience.” Then the voices inside of my head started to speak, and I recognized it was “Fear talking!” It was making an earnest attempt to get me to shelve my project and whispered thoughts of doubt.
Like these:
Will anyone be interested in taking your course?
Why put yourself out there amidst all the deadly competition?
What will you do if it doesn’t work?
Then it dawned on me. Even though I was afraid, I couldn’t allow thoughts of doubt to seep in and take control. I had to act, get out of my head, and focus on a winning outcome. Furthermore, I’d heard those voices before. I even wrote about them and exposed the root of their existence, “Fear!”
An Excerpt from Rise to the Rhythm-Awaken The Beat pg.39 (Updated)
Have you ever thought that what you’re afraid of may not exist at all? Or could it have a hidden identity? And if so, could this hidden identity be (F.E.A.R.) false evidence appearing real?
Here’s what studies have to say about it.
Internet studies say 60% of your fears are unwarranted. Meaning, they never come to pass.
20% are in the past and have therefore moved on and are out of your control.
10% are so petty, they make no difference at all, and only 4 to 5 percent are justifiable. Wow! Do you see why “It’s All in Your Head.” F.E.A.R. False evidence appearing real.
Here’s what else you need to Know. Fear is a momentum stopper and a joy stealer that works against anything positive that has breath, energy, or life. It has stifled, and in some cases darn near crippled folk’s ability to pursue their dreams. What’s the solution?
Groove on This! The way to combat fear is move in a forward motion!
I made a choice not to let the voices inside my head take control. Or try to stop me from doing something I was passionate about. I moved forward with my idea to start, finish, and deliver my course.
In conclusion: I trust the outcome will be favorable, and you should too! Execute your hope, dream, or desire! “Do The Work and Trust The Outcome!” It’ll Put Fear in Its Place!
Moreover, you don’t have to do it alone. Let’s conquer this fear thing together! Please join me for a new, exciting, and rewarding experience.
Link here: For this special presale offer! Get It Before It’s Gone!